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GeoPrism Registry (GPR)

A single source of reference information for the standardization, management and use of geographic data over time.

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DPG Badge

GeoPrism Registry is certified as a Digital Public Good (DPG) of the Digital Public Goods Alliance.



Location and time are dimensions that bind information together.

GeoPrism Registry uses semantic technologies to enable data and information from multiple organizations to be properly contextualized in both space and time to support geographically based planning, decision making, cooperation and coordination among agencies of federal governments, local governments, non-profits, and the private sector. Collaboration across sectors is needed to promote public health, economic development, environmental protection, flood zone research, disaster recovery, education, agriculture, infrastructure, and other public and private services.

GeoPrism Registry as a CGR

GeoPrism Registry is an open-source Common Geo-Registry (CGR) implementation that utilizes spatial knowledge graphs to provide a single source of truth for managing geographic data over time across multiple organizations and information systems. It is used to host, manage, regularly update and share lists, associated hierarchies, and geospatial data through time for geographic objects core to spatial data infrastructure, sustainable development, and public health (e.g., administrative divisions, settlements, health facilities, schools, and other relevant physical and non-physical geographic features).

The CGR vision specification is a long term vision of Health GeoLab Collaborative. The GeoPrism Registry implementation is developed in partnership with Health GeoLab Collaborative, Clinton Health Access Initiative, Vital Wave, and other Digital Solutions For Malaria Elimination (DSME) community partners.

Enables geospatial initiatives and infrastructures

Integrated Geographic Information Framework (IGIF)

At the technical level, GeoPrism Registry contributes to the standards strategic pathway of the IGIF by supporting data interoperability.

Global Statistical Geospatial Framework (GSGF)

GeoPrism Registry supports the operationalization of the first three principles of the GSGF: 1. Use of fundamental geospatial infrastructure and geocoding; 2. Geocoded unit record data in a data management environment; 3. Common geographies for the dissemination of statistics.

Geospatial Knowledge Infrastructure (GKI)

GeoPrism Registry aligns with the GKI concept by helping to place geospatial knowledge at the center of tomorrow’s sustainable digital society.

Health Information Exchange (HIE)

GeoPrism Registry strengthens HIEs and disease intervention programs by enabling data interoperability across health information systems using common geographies and managing multiple organizational hierarchies and relationships between locations as they change over time, which is essential for microplanning and trend analysis. GeoPrism Registry is interoperable with DHIS2, Global Open Facility Registry (GOFR), supports Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR), Reveal, and supports a RESTful API.

National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NDSI)

GeoPrism Registry supports the operationalization of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) to host, manage, regularly update and share the lists, hierarchies and spatial data needed to properly contextualize any data or information attached to the geographic objects core while respecting the curation mandate of the organizations officially in charge of this data and information.

Sustainable Development Goals

GePrism Registry helps address the geographic dimension of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) by providing a common geography to support cross sectoral planning and decision making.

Open Source

GeoPrism Registry has been released under the Lesser General Public License (LGPL) and was developed using only open-source components including OpenJDK, MapboxGL, PostgreSQL, OrientDB, Solr, GDAL, and GeoServer. GeoPrism Registry can be deployed in the cloud or on premises.


DHIS2 is owned and maintained by the University of Oslo

The Global Open Facility Registry (GOFR) is owned and developed by IntraHealth. Funding provided by Digital Square, a PATH-led initiative funded and designed by the United States Agency for International Development, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and a consortium of other investors, in support of the Facility Registries project.

Reveal is owned and maintained by Akros


GeoPrism Registry is open sourced under the GNU Lesser General Public License.


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